Monday, June 29, 2015

Steve Jobs: Application 2

Larsen’s Cultural Images and Myths can be seen in Steve Job’s 2005 Stanford Commencement Speech. Steve Job’s Commencement speech will be used as the artifact to draw out Larsen’s fifth cultural myth the value of challenge. Video to speech below:

The value of challenge is obvious through Steve Jobs commencement as he begins to talk about the challenges he had faced (he didn’t know it at the time) while creating the first Macintosh. He explains that you can not connect the dots looking forward but that you can only connect the dots looking backward. It’s a challenge for most people to abandon what seems to be the right decision for there future (further your education through college) and to take a path that seems impossible without a college degree. Not only is uncertainty a challenging feeling to over come, but so is rejection. Steve Job’s was fired from Apple, a company that he started! He felt as if he let the previous generation of entrepreneur down while feeling like he wanted to run away from a very public rejection. Later he over came those challenging experiences (after possibly feeling defeated by what he loved doing) and was fortunate to be apart of something amazing. Out of challenge, wisdom is created and through Steve Jobs he was able to see his success by connecting the dots while looking backward.

The process premise that the speech attempts to construct as a bases of persuasion would fall under attitudes. Through Steve Job’s speech he creates a cognitive, emotional and behavioral influence for his audience by making the impossible seem possible, he gives guidance to those who feel they are at a dead end, reassures that taking risks are okay, that we shouldn’t be scared of the uncertain while encouraging to purpose the things we love.


  1. What a powerful speech. Great post I think you picked the right points to hit on. Good video to pick. I think we all wish we could have the guts to take a chance on ourselves and just do what we always wish about doing.

  2. I like the idea that you cannot see what your future is but you can see where you have been and how far you've come. Steve Jobs was an awesome example of making a great comeback. It is interesting to see someone so successful feel like a failure. Great choice and concise analysis.

  3. I had seen this speech before, but enjoyed viewing it again. Jobs has amazing perspective! It's certainly an important thing to look back on our own lives and to evaluate those things that were pivotal and those things that ended up being rather insignificant even though it may not have seemed that way at the time. It's sometimes so difficult to think outside the box in order to discover new possibilities. You made a great choice in using this as your artifact.

  4. This is a great speech!, Not a lot of people have the courage to make decisions that go against the norm, especially when it comes to leaving college behind. Being able to be optimistic and find joy in the struggles of life seems to be a common trait in many of the successful people of our time. There's nothing quite like the stories of rags to riches, whether monetary or riches in life experiences.

  5. Nice post and I would agree that emotions are used throughout as a process premise to really appeal to and persuade the audience. Also, I like where you said, we shouldn’t be scared of the uncertain while encouraging to purpose the things we love. Well said!
